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Time is Money: Counting the cost of client money management for law firms

Our latest research report looks into the main challenges law firms come up against when handling client monies in-house.

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Time is money pages

Discover the main challenges law firms are up against when handling client monies in-house

To help lawyers navigate litigation payments and adopt strategies that will reassure and build trust amongst claimants, our ‘Blueprint to Distribution’ guide goes through the critical steps teams need to take throughout the case to ensure claimants receive their funds quickly and efficiently.

The key to success is planning the distribution process as early as the budget-setting phase, where the payout is considered as part of the case management process to optimise for success. This process also includes developing a robust communications strategy, collecting and cleansing claimant data, and choosing the right payments partner to handle the settlement distribution. 

We go through each of these steps, and more, in the eBook and provide guidance on what litigation teams need to consider and have front of mind to ensure a successful payout for claimants. 

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In this report, you’ll learn:

  • The top methods used by the top UK law firms to manage transaction payments on behalf of clients 
  • The main barriers law professionals come up against when handling client funds and facilitating payments -  taking them away from spending their valuable time on higher level billable tasks
  • How both law firms and their clients can benefit from outsourcing client account functions – with a focus on improving the customer experience

Fill in the form to see what the top UK law firms are saying about the operating of client accounts.


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