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Matt Green
Matt Green

Shieldcast: Episode 020

Matt Green on the developing blockchain litigation market

Matt Green, Blockchain Litigation Lead at Shoosmiths, joins Shieldpay's Daniel Dunne to explain the complex blockchain market, what is happening on the global stage and the role lawyers play in recovering digital assets.


DisclaimerShieldpay Ltd is not involved in any crypto currency related activities pursuant to our regulatory permissions. This episode has been produced with the sole purpose of informing and educating our audience regarding the subject matter. 

In this Class Actions episode of Shieldcast, Matt and Daniel discuss: 

  • What blockchain technology is and how to define it
  • The role of a litigation lawyer in blockchain and crypto disputes, and the opportunity for law firms
  • The four key areas of change, development and growth in the market
  • Recent case examples in the UK and in the US
  • Funding: the next big opportunity for opening up the market


About our guest

Matt Green is the Blockchain Litigation Lead at Shoosmiths. 

Matt is a qualified solicitor with an initial interest in intellectual property and technology law. Now, he has a dedicated practice servicing businesses utilising blockchain technology, recovering crypto assets, and advising on copyright and trademarks.

In 2019, he set the precedent in common law jurisdiction worldwide that crypto assets are property and he continues to develop proven best practices and build a catalogue of successful high court decisions.  

Alongside his legal practice, he's an active voice in the market regularly contributing to academic papers, lecturing at universities, and hosting his own podcast ‘In Early: the crypto podcast’.

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